Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cat's Whiskers

I was arranging my files when I saw these pictures and thought of sharing this for Wordless Wednesday:

As usual, this will be "Wordy Wednesday" again.... I know I shouldn't tell about the pictures, I just can't stop typing the details. But okay, I will make it short. =)

This flower is called "Cat's Whiskers" here for obvious reasons. My dad planted the first of its kind in our front yard because someone told him that the water where you boiled the leaves into is a good medicinal drink. I tried it once and it was really, really bitter! The plants just grows and grows to the point that we would uproot some to give way to the other plants.

Taken last year using my Sony Ericsson K800i cell phone, set to auto macro, no flash.

*** Jenn ***

Memories by Jenn Le Kultiszie Familie
Jenn Was Here Shutter Happenings


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. Don't you just love the natural beauty of flowers? Innocent. Untouched.

Anyway, happy WW!

Soul Pockets said...

These flowers are beautiful. I am going to have to keep them in mind.

Anonymous said...

Happy WW!

Wow, beautiful flowers -- hard to believe you got them with a cell phone. Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

how beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

This is an unusual flower plant but it is beautiful! It does look like cat's whiskers. Thanks for dropping by. :)
Definitely Maybe!
Not Just Another Blog...

AnnMarie Brown said...

pretty flowers... lovely picture.

Head Gaggler said...

These are beautiful. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos! They sure do look like cat's whiskers.

OGD Critic said...

Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my WW.

Have a great day!

Maggie Moo said...

How beautiful! They're great shots, really.

Thanks for stopping by today. :)

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Those flowers are so neat, and your pictures are awesome! Great job!
