Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Painting's on the Wall


When I went to friend Ahdz's hometown to celebrate their fiesta, her mom ran out of some ingredients for the dish she was cooking, so she asked Ahdz to go to the store and buy the stuffs. Of course I went with her, no sense staying inside the house when you know there are some happenings outside, right?

While waiting for the store staff to wrap the goodies, I saw this establishment called, "Nonoy's Place" and what's so cool was that their outer wall was covered with this cool painting! Ahdz said it's basically a restaurant that also teaches art lessons. On that day, there were some free face painting and I surely wanted to have that, but we had to hurry back home.

Shot using my Sony Ericsson K800i cell phone, set to auto.

*** Jenn ***


B said...

I love that song "CandyMan" I love this shot, I would love to see that place.

Princess Vien said...

Great artwork.

Mine is up!!

Happy WW!!

J.C. Montgomery said...

That is a nice shot...and from a phone? Wow.

Korie said...

Cool mural, thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

that's an awesome wall! i hope it stays that way. :)

WW: Chocolate Coffee Crunch
WW: Abby & Her JavaKula

Anonymous said...

great wall. happy ww!

Rhonda Gales said...

Very nice and colorful!

Quarantine Hobby said...

Wow, that is a beautiful mural! I can't believe you took that from a phone--it musth have been even more unbelievable in person!

Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

fun photo!

Anonymous said...

Amazing art work! I wish the 'taggers' around here would paint like that instead of the initials and gang signs the usually paint.

Happy WW

Unknown said...

What a lovely wall! I love that you took the shot with your cell phone. :)

Anonymous said...

Cool shot. Really good picture considering it was taken from a cell phone too.
Have a great day!
