Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rufo the Monkey

Rufo the Monkey 02

The last time my siblings and I went to Baluarte in Vigan, we were fortunate that a kid's school was there doing a field trip. It was a great day because most of the animals were outside for the kids to see. My siblings and I had a very great time touching somce of the animals in the area.

This isn't a zoo per se. "Baluarte" means house or something like that, and this place is where former Ilocos Sur (the province where Vigan is located) governor Chavit Singson live. He has a passion for "collecting" animals, and once when his collection grew, he decided to use an area in his land to showcase the animals for public viewing. There's no entrance ticket, as it is built for people to have a great time knowing about the animals. Apart from the heritage site in Vigan, this place is one of the "must see" places when in the city.

There were so many wonderful animals, but the one animal that captured my heart was this monkey, Rufo. We saw him lounging in this couch, and when we approached to meet him, he was very gentle. A bit showbiz, too, he loved showing off his skills. Brother saw him showing off, and tried to mimic him, so I took out the camera and shutter away. We actually have quite a lot pictures with him, but I guess I will just share it next time. =)

Can you tell who's Rufo and who's my brother? Hahahaha. Thanks for stopping by.

*** Jenn ***

embraceLe Kultiszie Familie
Jenn Was Here Shutter Happenings


Berleen said...

awww adorable!

KylieM said...

haha great shot! love it :)

ratmammy said...


Anonymous said...

ang cute ng monkey! a Filipino one huh! great shot...

AppleDebbie said...

Great photo (and interesting story about the Baluarte!) Hmmm... is your brother the one on the left? Hehehe! Just kidding!

Jeprocks said...

Hi Jenn! It was nice meeting you yesterday! Napadaan lang! have a great sunday!

Michele said...

That's totally adorable!!! I love this picture!! HEhehehe... makes me smile! =D
Mountain Retreat

Pat - Arkansas said...

Cute photo. That trip will have lasting memories.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

haha...cute human ;)

That's a great shot.

Maria Verivaki said...

very funny photo

Anonymous said...

He looks a very good natured fellow.
Fun shot.

bobbie said...

Great shot. Monkeys are so much fun. Your brother seems to be enjoying himself too.

i beati said...

This made me laugh so much brilliant photo sandy

Roan said...

Too funny! At first I thought your brother was trying to fix something, and then I saw his face. Just a couple of monkeys hanging around. Great post!

Teena in Toronto said...

I can't tell which is which. Ha!

I played too :)

Misty DawnS said...

This definitely sounds like a place I would absolutely love and enjoy!

The picture of Rufo and your brother is priceless! Love it.

D... said...

That is way too cool. My son shared the exact birthday of an orangutan who used to be at our school. So, he has a fascination with monkeys. He would have such a ball at the Baluarte just like your brother!

Great shot!

Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

That little guy is so cute but your brother really needs a haircut! :)

Gretchen said...

What an adorable photo!

Christy said...

which one is the monkey? lol Very cute shot.
