Saturday, October 04, 2008


photo hunt

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Photo Hunt's theme for this week is sad. I was supposed to share a photo of me having the sad face, but I think everyone would post that, so I searched for my files and saw these pictures. These were taken in Intramuros, near Manila Cathedral. Brother and I saw these when we went to meet up with friends in the area.

This is a memoriam to the nameless innocent victims of war in 1945. If I remember it correctly, a Japanese bomb hit this spot after attacking Pearl Harbor, so this gravestone is put up to remember all those victims. It's really sad to have wars. Call it cliche or whatever, I just hope we could have peace. Peace amongst ourselves, peace with the family, peace with neighbors, peace with everyone.

*** Jenn ***

my personal blogmy photo blogmy travel blogour family blog


Petrus said...

Lovely post here - I think Blogging can help break down barriers between different nations showing people how others across the world live and how basically we are all the same.

Thanks for visiting my Blog - Nov 1st and 2nd is celebrated in Spain also ..

philos said...

I've seen this and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness when I did... something I felt again when I saw your entry.

Anonymous said...

A fine post and excellent pictures.
Yes - Peace would be so good...

PastormacsAnn said...

Wow, nice post. and perfect choice for our "sad" theme. War is definitely very sad.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Lovely memorial statues that spark off some sadness.
Have a HAPPY weekend and not a SAD weekend :)

Hootin Anni said...

couldn't be more perfect for the theme if you ask me.

My photo hunt is a 'drawing of sad'...stop by, won't you?

Hope your weekend is treating you well.

Anonymous said...

We didn't see this when my family and I went to Intramuros and that makes me sad :(

Gattina said...

That is really a sad monument !

Anonymous said...

we also took some pictures of it when we visited intramuros. at the back is a reminder like a time capsule, did you see it?

Maria's Space said...

That is an amazing statue and a great take on the theme.

Anonymous said...

I like the statue which is sad cute. Thanks for stopping by.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Best post I've seen on Photo Hunters so far. GREAT photos. Yes, very very very sad. I pray the same thing. I cannot think of all the pain and suffering without getting weepy. :(

I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and post your link.

JO said...

lovely post.. thanks for sharing.

here's mine. thanks!

Jientje said...

That was one of muy options too, a war monument!
But yours is much nicer than mine. Well ... if you can call a war monument "nice",or "beautiful" that is!

MumbaiiteAnu said...

Very sad memorial post. It's beautifully done, got me in tears
Have a great weekend.

Lisa said...

Nice photo for the theme. Happy weekend.

YTSL said...

A sad event commemorated with an amazingly good set of sculptures.

Gabriel said...

Great pieces of art, but truly sad as well...

Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you have a great week!

My post...

Anonymous said...

Great take. We should stay away from war. Promote peace!

Anonymous said...

the saddest thing is how innocent lives are taken by a war as is shown by the baby/young child in the monument. :(

kaycee said...

true, war is sad. And I think the world have had enough, if you ask me.
Great entry.....
