Saturday, January 31, 2009

Furry Monkey

photo hunt


This week's Photo Hunt is "furry." I shot this just a few minutes ago... this family of monkeys (one little monkey is not seen) is hanging on the door of my brother's room, and was given as a Valentine present from our mom nearly two years ago. Actually, it was just the big monkey that was given by mom on Valentine's day, the two little ones were bought from a nearby market. Brother liked the idea of connecting the monkeys together (since the hands had velcro tapes), so he bought it.

*** Jenn ***


Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwww, this is just so darned cute! I love monkeys and have several stuffed ones myself.

My FURRY is posted. Do come by for a viewing if you can find time, won't you? Happy Hunting.

Anonymous said...

My son will love that. He cannot sleep without the stuff monkey beside him. Happy weekend. MIne is up.

Anonymous said...

I think I have seen these around when they were a fad :) Cute ones :)

Unknown said...

cute little monkey. i have a friend who collects monkeys, stuffed and collectibles.

Anonymous said...

Furry and cute...what's not to like!

Mira said...

Cute monkeys, my son adores them. Here's mine

Anonymous said...

Very cute monkey :) Thanks for dropping by. Happy hunting!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

That was a cute one indeed.

YTSL said...

Awwww, what a great face that monkey highlighted in the photo has! :)

Chie Wilks said...

Oh i see that cute little monkey hanging by the big monkeys arm, i hope i am right. Nice picture, the momkey's face is so cute. Thanks for leaving a comment on my photohunt's 3rd post.

Jientje said...

Very cute, AND a very good picture!!!

Ice Pony Girl said...

Hi...can you please tell me how you created the photo watermark?

email is iceponygoddess at gmail dot com

Ice Pony Girl

Amanda said...

Very cute! I love the way you were able to capture the tiny detail of the "fur"

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Aw! Cute and furry! I also did Photo Hunters. I hope you get a chance to visit!

Happy weekend!

Maureen Hayes said...

I loved stuffed animals and I have a sock monkey myself. This little guy has a cute face! I did the same kinda thing on my post for the furry theme. If you get a chance come over and look at"

Happy Photo Hunt!

Lene said...

Funny, furry, happy photohunt ;) Cool monkey :)

Lisa said...

Very cute and furry. Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Big furry monkey hugs! lol

Anonymous said...

Cute and furry makes me smile :)

Biker Betty said...

We have a few of those monkeys hanging around our house, lol. Yours is very cute. Have a great weekend.

Pok Dell said...

When there are nobody else to smile at..
This furry monkey would be the best companion :)

stan said...

i like the colour of tt furry stuffy!

Heart of Rachel said...

That's so cute! I love his adorable face.

PowersTwinB said...

Love the angle of the photo of the monkeys face! too cute! My hunt is up, please come and visit soon

Anonymous said...

Very cute monkey. And very nice photo too! :)

Jackie said...

Oh my you just gott'a love monkeys and this is really cute! Great choice for furry.

Thanks Jen for dropping by to visit my little friend. I apologize for getting by so late. But after Friday my schedule just went crackers on me and I swamped in real life right now.

But, I am up early here and trying to make some rounds.

I hope you are having a grand week!,
