Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 11 - Dreams

The other day, the prompt was about Hobbies and Passions. My post for today is a sort of continuation.

Joy of Love - Day 11 Joy of Love - Day 11


Day 11 - Dreams.

My sister is such a foodie that she took up BS Hotel and Restaurant Management in college. Although the course wasn't really concentrated in cooking foods, she was able to learn some dishes and methods of cooking, too.

Her love of food prompted her to dream of entering culinary school, but she always feels it is such a far-fetched dream as culinary classes are quite expensive and entering a culinary school was impractical for us, as we weren't gifted with that much money to spend. I told her that there were short courses (10 classes maximum), but those would tackle one theme per course (like pasta, or baking breads, etc.), and she felt she would put herself in a box if she would take that.

Well, her first job was at a restaurant and she started preparing ingredients and plating foods before serving to the customer, and although she wasn't able to prepare foods for other people, her working at the kitchen (before she was asked to be the restaurant's waitress) was able to help her get knowledge, which she is now applying here in our house. She actually taught me four dishes she learned from the restaurant's cook, and all were great dishes.

Somehow I guess she was able to achieve her dream, too, but of course her going to culinary school will be something really special.

*** Jenn ***

