Monday, March 15, 2010

Garden Eel

Garden Eel

Upon checking my files, I realized that the available pictures for this theme were all from Manila Ocean Park, during our visit last December. I do have enough images to share, but I apologize if the pictures will all be from the park.

This one's a garden eel, mom's favorite creature in the park. She loves how the eels would sway with the water and how they would duck back in their holes when people would come near them. Taking this picture required patience, because it was a bit difficult to focus the camera. I set my camera to macro - aquarium, but because there was a glass and the fish was a bit too thin, focusing required a lot of tries. Not only that, I really had to wait for this little fellow to come out before I could focus! :D It was all worth it.

*** Jenn ***


chaoticfancy said...

whoa cute! must see this one! thanks for sharing!
