Friday, February 04, 2011

Day 03 - Then and Now

Before I talk about my picture share, allow me to talk about my relationship with my sister. She was born nearly 9 years after I was born, so at first I really disliked her. Well, I did love her from the start, but when you're a child who wanted to play and be with friends, having to take care of a baby sister certainly made me feel as if she robbed me of my childhood. Yeah, I was really childish back then.

As we both grew old, our relationship got better, and now, she is not just my sister, she is also one of the best friends I have. Although nothing can take away the nearly 9 years age gap we have, us being adults now have somehow made us on the same page, and I am really happy she turned out to be a female, otherwise I don't have someone to share girly topics with.

Joys of Love - Day 03

Our then and now picture. Even before I set up the camera for the picture, I already made sure I want us to re-create an old picture. The only doable picture was the one on the left, because it was taken inside the house. When I showed this to my sister, she exclaimed, "I was so tiny!" Well, she wasn't the only "tiny" back then, I am, too. Hahahaha.

Same house, same seat, same door in the background, same subjects. The one on left was taken in the early 90s, I think I was third year high school that time, based on the eyeglasses I was wearing. That would make my sister around 6 or 7 years old.

Some changes:
> Sister ditching out the bangs. As soon as she entered high school, she decided bangs don't look good on her, though it looked good on her when she was young.
> Both of us done with schooling.
> Having relationships of our own.
> Despite her chubby figure, my sister was actually slimmer now. Growing up, she was one chubby kid that people around were teasing her that she might be bigger than me in the future. When she entered college, she gained more weight, but was able to lose the unwanted weight by the time she finished college. Well, her metabolism was much better than mine, so I am thankful she was able to lose the weight.
> Us having to know how hard it was to earn money, that we sometimes wish we can be students all our lives. Hahaha.

The Joys of Love - Day 03


No words can express how much I love my sister. Part of me feels she is my own child, for I have cared for her the time she was born until now. We were very close to each other that our mom would sometimes just ask me to talk to my sister regarding things, especially when my sister was upset or is having a problem. We are very close, yet she fears me in some ways - she doesn't want me to get angry at her, so whenever she would do something that would make me upset, she would really take all the measures she can to make sure I won't get too upset.

Of course from time to time, buttons were pushed and we get upset with each other, but one of the great things about us is that we were quick to forgive and forget each others' faults.

*** Jenn ***


Jennifer said...

Great shots and great story. I too have a sister and it took both of us moving away to school to realize how important we were to one another. :)

Halie said...

It's so good that you were able to keep a photo of you and your sister.

BTW, I'm following this one now too. =)
