Tuesday, April 05, 2011

SST - Anna Sui Slip Ons

I wasn't able to join last week because I didn't take that much pictures. The past week, I have been a little shutter happy, and among the pictures I have taken, this is my favorite:

Anna Sui Slip Ons

Sweet Shot Day

I am a person who always wear flat footwear because of my weight. I do own some footwear that provides a little elevation (all have 1-inch heels), but I only wear it if I won't walk that much. I am not into shoes, I just have what I basically need, but I am a woman, too, and there were times that I admire certain girly things... like this pair of shoes.

As what I have written on my other blog, Shutter Happy Moments, us three girls (mom, sis, and I) saw a garage sale and knowing that this pair of Anna Sui slip ons cost only p190 (usd4.27), I instantly grabbed it and bought it, since the original price was p980. I took this picture in black and white, but in case you wanna know, the shoes are red in color. Red isn't a favorite color, but I just don't know what's my connection with red, that I just love some of my things (bags and wallets primarily) in red. Not too long ago, I hoped of owning a pair of red girly shoes (I already owned a pair of red sneakers while I was in college), and now it just came true.

*** Jenn ***

